Bird Control
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Pigeons, Magpies ,Feral Birds, indian Mynas and others
Birds can become a nuisance when they choose to nest or roost in unwanted areas of your home or business. Birds, bird droppings and nesting materials can negatively impact our surroundings and carry over 60 diseases which can be passed on to humans and pets. The longer birds are allowed to nest or roost in an unwanted area; the harder it will be to get rid of them. It’s important to take a proactive approach when dealing with pest birds. In the long run, it can save you time and money.
Bird infestations also encourage a range of other pests such as flies and fleas, but the most common is the bird mite.
Here are some of the main reasons why bird control and bird management in Sydney is import:
Birds, bird droppings and nesting materials carry over 60 transmittable diseases and ectoparasites. Bird droppings are highly acidic and can stain and corrode building materials.
Birds can contaminate food production and inventory when they nest in warehouses.
Regular cleanup of bird droppings can cost businesses thousands of dollars every year.
Bird nests can clog drains and pose a fire risk near lighting or other features.
Bird droppings can be a liability by creating a slip and fall risk.
The longer birds are allowed to nest or roost in an unwanted area; the harder it will be to get them to leave. It’s important to take a proactive approach when dealing with pest birds
Health Risks
Birds, bird droppings and nesting materials can carry over 60 different diseases that can be passed to humans and animals. If dried bird droppings are found near air handling systems, they can travel through buildings potentially infecting you, your family and employees.
Bird Mite
Bird mite is a small but extremely mobile mite, barely visible to the eye. Bird mites are semi-transparent in colour, which makes them difficult to detect on skin until blood is ingested and then digested; when they may appear reddish to blackish.
Contact with humans usually occurs after birds gain entry to roof cavities of our homes and business to construct their nests, which normally occurs in early spring or summer. However, some infestations also occur from birds roosting on the outside of dwellings such as window ledges or awnings. The mites feed on the young, as well as the adult birds, and the large amount of nesting material used by the birds provides the mites with an ideal environment in which to thrive. The mites have a short life cycle, but can rapidly generate large populations.
When the young birds leave the nest, or die, many mites (often many tens of thousands) are left behind in the absence of a suitable host, and these will disperse from the nest into and throughout the dwelling searching for new hosts. Most mites will die within 3 weeks without a blood meal from a bird host. They will bite humans they encounter but cannot survive on humans.
The greatest impact on us from bird mites are usually experienced in rooms close to the point of entry of the mites. The mites have no preference for any particular areas of the body and they do not live underneath the skin, nor can an infestation be maintained on humans. However, the problem will persist while the bird-related source of the mites remain. Until the infestation is controlled, the occupants of the building can experience considerable discomfort. Also, the sensation of crawling mites on the skin will irritate some people.
Inventory Damage
Droppings can damage products and contaminate production lines. Birds can often be found nesting or perching on rafters and purlins in warehouses and storage facilities. Bird droppings present in such areas may affect your food safety audits.
Poor Image
Bird droppings and nests are an unattractive feature for homes and businesses. Birds on a ledge or sign, or droppings covering footpath or driveway look unsightly and do not portray a clean image.
Cost of Cleanup
Businesses that clean up after birds on a daily or weekly basis are wasting money and exposing employees to health risks. Some businesses spend thousands of dollars each year on the regular cleanup of bird droppings. Installing bird control products can save businesses time and money, whilst reducing health risks to employees.
Property and Equipment Damage
Bird droppings may render machinery or equipment inoperable or may require regular clean up so operators are not exposed. Droppings are highly acidic and can corrode buildings materials and stain fabrics and even cars.
Food Safety
Pest bird droppings found in food manufacturing and packaging, restaurants, storage facilities or other areas can affect your HACCP and Food Safety auditing. They can also cost you your reputation if soiled products are sent out.
Slip and Fall Risk
Bird droppings can be slippery. If a customer or employee falls they may sue the building owner or property manager.
Blocked Drains and Gutters
Droppings and nesting materials regularly block gutters and drains. This can cause other problems on roofs and other areas by creating the potential of flooding.
There are 4 main pest bird species that we deal with on a day to day basis.

Bird control and management solutions we commonly use are:
Bird Netting
Bird Spikes
Bird Trapping
Bird Removal
Bird Deterrents
Bird Wire
Bird Slopes
Bird Proofing
Contact us now on 1800 896 369 to discuss a range of Bird Control Management solutions suitable to protect your home or business.